Very trance-y :P
Very nice pads in the beginning, great plucks at 1:22, and 4:07 was GREAT. Other than that, the general feel of the song didn't really change :/
It was still a great song, though. VERY well mastered.
Very trance-y :P
Very nice pads in the beginning, great plucks at 1:22, and 4:07 was GREAT. Other than that, the general feel of the song didn't really change :/
It was still a great song, though. VERY well mastered.
Thanks Japillow ill have to work on making my tunes more interresting in the future still learning. Wow i never got a mastering comment on here before nice one man glad you liked it.
I love the quirky, jumpy lyrics! And who doesn't love 8-bit? And this is probably the first song I've heard that uses the Mario coin noise and doesn't kill it, so thank you for that!
Your welcome! (:
Fit for a video game.
Sounds like it would easily be able to fit into a Zelda game. Very nice work!
Thanks man! I love to compose VG music, and I'm happy you think it would fit on a game :D
I have a lot of trouble creating songs like seem to have mastered it.
thanks. My advice is to stick at it, as long as you want to, not because you have to. :)
if you stick on the path, i'm sure you'll eventually reach what you desire, otherwise -that- path wouldn't exist!
speak soon,
Wayne of L
Oh my...
You are a very talented artist. Every sound...sounds amazing!
Thanks for the excellent review =D
0:37 = :D
I love songs with ridiculous sidechaining! And it wasn't THAT generic. I really liked the melody.
Thanks! And yeah maybe it's not THAT generic.
No, but seriously, this song has has a very good beat. Keeps on rocking throughout the whole thing. The middle was a little too hardcore for me, but that's because I don't like dubstep that much. But that didn't stop me from loving this song :D
You, good sir, have just made my day :)
Very real sounding!!!
This was a fun little loop! What did you use to get that great guitar sound? It sounded perfect!
I just used the sytrus preset guitar and used a strum. Thanks for the review!
Argh, why'd you make another one?
I can't stop listening to this, it's so catchy! I'm trying to go to bed but this has kept me up for like half an hour :(
This is exactly what happened when I heard the first one...
Anyway, very good song! The drums feel...alive. GREAT!
lol thanks for the review xD it makes me feel good that I can make somebody happy with my music :]
However, I cannot take credit for the drums... sad I know, but I must give credit where credit is due, and therefore must admit that the drums you hear is actually part of a sequence called "Bullet Time" it's in the Nexus VST. I guess that would explain djRemedy's review huh? :]
I hope I haven't lost any prestige in your eyes or anything, just felt that I would say that :]
Looks like the zer0b0mbers have struck...
The bass part is great, no awkward notes that you tend to find in a lot of Newgrounds music. This should NOT be rated this low.
Thank you, sir. I wanted to stray from any intense noodling that is so traditional to 8-bit and make an ambient and relaxing tune.
I feel a little more like I accomplished that :D.
I make songs...
Age 30, Male
The tenth dimension
Joined on 6/26/09